Support MeasuringWorth

Dear MeasuringWorth User,

MeasuringWorth has two missions. The first is to make available to the public the highest quality and most reliable historical data on important economic aggregates. The second is to provide carefully designed comparators that explain the many issues involved in making value comparison over time.

We do this as a public service. We are not incorporated nor directly connected to any institution. We never run ads. We do not receive any government funds. You fund MeasuringWorth through your donations.

We can only accomplish these tasks if you will contribute. Any amount will help be it just a dollar, euro or pound; or more if you can afford it. If by searching the data here or using our comparators you have found something of "worth", please help us out.

By clicking on one of the donate buttons below, you will be able to use a simple form on Stripe, Inc to pay with your credit card. The form is PCI compliant (meaning the information is safe.) If you prefer to use PayPal, you can do so by clicking here.

None of the information you enter will be used by MeasuringWorth or shared with anyone else.

Thank you for your support.

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